
Breastfeeding is not a reliable means of contraception. Studies show that 80 per cent of women breastfeeding will not become fertile again until after the first menstrual period and sometimes this may not occur within the first 20 weeks. It has been known, however, for women to conceive within three weeks. The question of contraception must be carefully considered. The standard contraceptive pill is known to disrupt breast milk flow and can have hormonal effects on your baby if your partner is still breastfeeding. An alternative is the mini pill that contains progesterone only. Other options include condom, diaphragm, cervical cap, female condom, natural contraception such as the billings method, IUD, hormonal implants or spermicidal creams or sponge. You and your partner may wish to discuss the options before your partner attends the six week postnatal check-up.

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