Tiredness is a symptom common during the first and last trimester. In the early stages of pregnancy, the hormonal fluctuations and increased blood flow can be exhausting as your body adjusts to the changes. In the latter stages, carrying extra weight demands more energy. Many women, however, say the first three months of parenthood are the most tiring of all.
- Get plenty of sleep, ideally 8-10 hours, with as many as possible before midnight.
- This is when your body best recuperates.
- Sleep in a well-ventilated room. Oxygen replenishes your cells as you are sleeping.
- Bolster pillows to support your tummy, lower back and legs in the last trimester may improve sleep.
- Check that you are not anaemic.
- Drink 2-3 litres of water daily to encourage efficient digestion. Constipation is a common cause of bloating and tiredness.
- Exercise increases blood flow and boosts your energy.
- Include carbohydrates in your diet to supply energy.
- Avoid coffee as it provides a temporary energy spurt then leaves you feeling weary.
- Poor food combinations can leave you tired after eating. Avoid mixing carbohydrates and protein in the same meal. Instead, eat small meals regularly to maintain your balance of glycogen and insulin. These are the two hormones that maintain your blood sugar levels.
- Peppermint tea is refreshing and boosts energy levels naturally.
- Meditation and yoga are both regarded as energy-inducing practices.
- Self -help acupressure points Kidney 3, Bladder 47, Triple Heater 6
- Prepare an aromatic bath with two drops each of lavender, neroli and mandarin essential oils. (As a precaution AVOID using essential oils in the first trimester).