FACTS: The baby, now called a foetus, has obvious elbows, wrists, ankles and clearly visible fingers and toes. It measures between 3-4.5cm in length and its external sex organs have begun to form.
0-4 Weeks You probably will not know you are pregnant. If you are planning a pregnancy, a test may show positive in the third or fourth week at the earliest, depending on when you conceived.
FACTS: During pregnancy the amount of blood in your body increases 30-50 per cent to nourish and supply the baby with oxygen.
Many people think that the position in which your baby is lying in the womb is down to good or bad luck and that there’s nothing you can do to change it. But that isn’t …
12-16 Weeks You will probably have your first antenatal consultation between 12 and 14 weeks during which you will be asked about your family’s medical history.
Massaging the perineal area from mid pregnancy is known to reduce the need for episiotomy and lessen the risk of tearing.
FACTS: This is the end of the first trimester considered the most intense part of the development of the pregnancy. By now you may have put on an extra 10 per cent of your body …
20-24 Weeks You may have your second ultrasound scan scheduled in the next few weeks. Do you want to know the sex of your baby? In preparing the nursery, make it a baby-friendly environment and check …
FACTS: The womb environment, like a bag of water, cushions the baby from bumps, keeps it at a constant warm temperature and allows freedom of movement.
Essential information that you should know.