Week 28 of Pregnancy


If your baby was born now, it would have a 95 per cent chance of survival with special care. It may be between 25-35cm long and could weigh up to .9kg or 2lb.

You will probably feel huge and awkward and breathing may get more difficult as your ribs have to lift about 5cm to allow your womb to expand.


Because you are carrying so much extra weight, cramping may occur, particularly in your calf muscles. Avoid pointing your toes downwards and help alleviate the cramps by stretching or massaging the area. click here for more infomation

An antenatal class will inform you on topics ranging from what to expect during labour to how to change a nappy. Ask your partner or friend to join you. If they are not available, be assured you’ll make friends. Many new friendships begin at antenatal classes.

Feeling cumbersome? Australian Bush Flower Essence Wild Potato Bush has been used in traditional Aboriginal medicine for thousands of years to help pregnant women overcome frustrations of feeling physically restricted.

Listen to your body. If you are really worried call your doctor, no matter how trivial your concern may seem.

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