Your baby’s eyes open and close with ease and have lashes. If you are having twins, they will probably be born within the next week.
You may feel hot all the time as your body is using a lot of fuel supporting both yourself and the child inside you. More blood is circulating and you are burning more calories.
You may feel less movement from your baby simply because there’s not much room in there. You should still feel at least 10 kicks in a twelve-hour period. If you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to call your health professional.
Your baby’s immature immune system receives antibodies from you to protect against illness.
Zinc is vital for a healthy pregnancy. It is necessary for your baby’s development, assists during labour and promotes a speedy recovery after childbirth. Boost your intake by eating tuna, lentils and wholegrains with a side dish of steamed spinach or silverbeet.
If you plan to use a birthing centre or have a hospital birth, work out the route and do a practice run.
To reduce the risk of your baby developing a nut allergy avoid eating large quantities of nuts during this final trimester. This is a good idea even if there is no family history of allergy-related conditions.
Listen to your body. If you are really worried call your doctor, no matter how trivial your concern may seem.