Heartbeat The baby’s bone centres are beginning to harden and thousands of tiny veins are now clearly visible through the baby’s skin.
FACTS: The different parts of the baby can be felt through your abdominal wall. If you feel a stitch-like sensation down the side of your tummy, this is the uterine muscle stretching. Sometimes resting helps …
Brain The last trimester is a crucial time for brain development. As the brain mass increases, the tissue folds into its characteristic walnut-like appearance.
FACTS: A baby born now would be termed “viable” by medical professionals meaning that it would have a good chance of survival with technology and special care.
Red Glow The baby can distinguish light from dark and will see sunlight on the stomach as a red glow. There’s also plenty of brain action occurring.
FACTS: Your baby’s bone centres are beginning to harden and tiny veins are now clearly visible through its skin. It should now be possible to hear your baby’s heartbeat through a stethoscope or a special …
FACTS: Your baby’s heartbeat has now dropped to an average of 150 beats a minute.
Eye Lashes Your baby’s eyes open and close with ease and have lashes. As it continues to grow, the tiny lungs are preparing to work independently.
FACTS: The baby is developing its own immunity to infection via the antibodies that cross the placenta. Breastfeeding will boost these levels and supply other essential nutrients.
FACTS: If your baby was born now, it would have a 95 per cent chance of survival with special care. It may be between 25-35cm long and could weigh up to .9kg or 2lb.